Thursday, August 29, 2024

USA, The Overconsumer of Paradise

Despite comprising just 4.3% of the global population, the U.S. accounts for a staggering 32% of worldwide personal consumption. This statistic highlights the significant economic weight of American consumers, who drive demand both at home and abroad. However, it also underscores a profound social responsibility: as a dominant force in global consumption, U.S. consumers have the power to influence market trends, sustainability practices, and social equity. The choices made by American shoppers not only shape the economy but also have far-reaching implications for the planet and future generations.

Source: International Monetary Fund; United Nations as of December 2023.

Assistance of ChatGPT and Image by DALL-E (2024, Aug) with prompts by E. Hall.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Monarch & The Milk Weed ... to plant, or not to plant?

There is a pesty parasite that is killing the monarchs in all stages of their life cycle. The parasite is called OE for short. It appears that with a warming climate, the monarchs don't migrate and the non-native milkweed doesn't die back in the winter, especially in Florida. This seems to perpetuate the life cycle of OE and negatively impact the monarchs. 

Here are the recommendations from FNPS based on the best available science as to what to do. Mainly, rip out all of the non-native (Tropical) Milkweed, and only propagate native varietals. 

Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS)