Saturday, January 17, 2015

NASA, NOAA Find 2014 Warmest Year in Modern Record | NASA

NASA, NOAA Find 2014 Warmest Year in Modern Record | NASA

This is a good recap of the tie in to record warming with human activity.

It also give links the the raw data and the detailed methodology.

Anybody want to play with the raw, unadulterated data, you will find a LOT of it; and no matter which way you look at it trend line appears. And the trend line is very depressing.


This blog is devoted to easy, affordable solutions that can be implemented right now, in a business friendly way. In fact, the first things that can be done, energy efficiency and telecommuting, offer huge savings to everyone concerned (and a nice boost in the direction of sustainability).

Why not start by picking the low-lying fruit now, and then address the heavy lifting as the next step.

Orrrr, we all can wait and wait until governments to get into the mix to help us all with the problems.:-(

We like the business now solution.

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