Friday, November 22, 2013

Microsoft, Owens Corning Join Climate Declaration · Environmental Management & Energy News · Environmental Leader

Microsoft, Owens Corning Join Climate Declaration · Environmental Management & Energy News · Environmental Leader:  BICEP (Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy) calls climate change “one of America’s greatest economic opportunities of the 21st century.

That's right, opportunity.

Microsoft and Owens-Corning have joined the Climate Declaration (spearheaded by CERES).

This is a very nice & concise article on the more that 650 major corporations worldwide that have stepped up to the plat to take and active stance on sustainability.

Microsoft is due to be Carbon neutral by the end of 2013: . . . Turns out they made it with a few months to spare:

So many businesses are on board, now all we need is a little help from the gov.

Keywords: CERES, zero carbon, carbon footprint, energy policy, Microsoft, Carbon Declaration

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

  1. A summary of [Microsoft's] carbon neutral strategy can be found in our whitepaper “Becoming Carbon Neutral: How Microsoft is Becoming Lean, Green, and Accountable”:
