Tuesday, February 9, 2010

IT Technologies in a Sustainability World

We have some guest posts coming up related to Information Technology and the Sustainablity uses thereof. Expect them here soon.  I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. In a world filled with such advance and sustainable technologies, it is ideal to have a strong information security system. If hackers were to access this information or a virus was to cripple it, the results could be very detrimental to the firm. A firm’s intellectual property is very valuable to its success or failure (we can look to Larry for an example of what a people based security breach would look like YouTube - Physical & Information Security Awareness Cartoon - MindfulSecurity.com). Three ways a firm may attempt to prevent the leakage of information, is to implement a line of defense through people first, technology second and implementing a strong set of security policies. Once in place these three areas can intertwine to work together to prevent the theft of information and create a stronger information system.
